
This tutorial covers how to use the Etcd middleware and the provided configuration driver.

A functional instance of etcd must be running.

Configure the middleware

Configuration file for the middleware is stored in:


Here is the default configuration if nothing is specified:

host = localhost
port = 4001
# srv_domain is not defined
version_prefix = /v2
read_timeout = 60
allow_redirect = True
protocol = http
# cert is not defined
# ca_cert is not defined
# username is not defined
# password is not defined
allow_reconnect = False
use_proxies = False
# expected_cluster_id is not defined
per_host_pool_size = 10

Then you can instantiate the middleware:

from link.etcd.middleware import EtcdMiddleware

client = EtcdMiddleware()

The dict protocol has been (partially) implemented to access data:

client['/collection'] = {
    'subcollection': [

# This will write:
#   - item1 in /collection/subcollection/1
#   - item2 in /collection/subcollection/2

tree = client['/collection']

# tree will contains the dict set above

del client['/collection']

# this will erase the whole tree

Using the configuration driver

When creating a configurable, just use the provided configuration driver:

from b3j0f.conf import Configurable, category, Parameter
from link.etcd.driver import EtcdConfDriver

class MyConfigurable(object):

Then, your configuration will be stored in etcd at the following path:
